Heart Opening Yoga Workshop

Heart Opening Yoga Workshop


While our shoulders are designed to be mobile and to have a 360-degree range of motion, many of us have experienced pain, tension, tightness, diminishing of range of motion, or some kind of instability in the shoulders. Some of us have gone on to develop even more serious shoulder injuries such as frozen shoulder or dislocation. If your shoulders, neck, or upper back often feel tense and tight, it may be time to examine what in your life could be contributing to that tension and to work on yoga postures that help to open the shoulders. Energetically, the shoulders are associated with the 4th or Heart Chakra. An imbalanced heart Chakra can manifest physically in the upper back or shoulders, arms, heart, immune system, and lungs. Heavy heartedness, grief, pain, and anger can also reside here. Computer work, driving, poor posture, or an old shoulder injury or surgery around the chest area or abdominal area can also contribute to pain in the shoulders. In this workshop, we'll look a bit at the anatomy of the shoulder girdle and the energy of the 4th Chakra as well as work on shoulder opening, stretching, and strengthening yoga postures. We'll also practice a guided loving-kindness (Metta) meditation.


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