Intro to Meditation Workshop

Intro to Meditation Workshop

The ultimate goals of meditation are to experience freedom from the ego-self, development of a sense of harmony with the universe, and to increase one’s sensitivity, compassion, and service to others. As one will see, with practice, the benefits of meditation are many. Physiological effects include: normalizes blood pressure; improves immune function; slows the aging process; reduces anxiety, burnout, and improves stress related disorders; promotes relaxation throughout the day; and decreases insomnia. Psychological effects include: improved psychological health and self-esteem; fewer bouts of depression, anger, irritability; improved concentration; increased positive thinking; and enhanced creativity. Additionally, regular meditation practice calms the emotions; trains us to deeply experience life in the present moment; helps us to realize our connection to all living begins; builds inner strength; and enhances our understanding of and acceptance of others. Meditation is a way of reaching and directly experiencing the depths of who we truly are. Meditation practices takes us beyond identification with the limited, conditioned mind and into our hearts.

Basic meditation techniques will be taught and practiced; time for questions and discussion will be included; open to beginning meditators; to those who have fallen away and want to re-energize their meditation practice; and to seasoned meditators who want to deepen their practice and share their experiences. In other words, all are welcome!




No upcoming classes scheduled.